I got to play a dwarf today who's chief weapon/dungeon exploration implement was a shovel. I really think that shovels are going to be the weapon/dungeon exploration implement of the future.
Sooner or later I suppose the DM will get sick of it and say the shovel breaks, then I'll have to hire a shovel-bearer to carry my PCs extra shovels. Seriously, if I were in a dungeon there are way more situations that I would want to have a shovel than a sword.
Welcome to humber-grognard, h.r., karnak, and cygnus!
Here's D4 potions:
1. Occu-tonic:
Eyes sprout out of the palms of the imbibing character's hands. These eyes can see invisible and have infravision.
2. Tonic of tongues:
a mouth sprouts of the palm of the imbibing character's right hand. The character is able to comprehend languages, and the hand-mouth can speak any language. There is a 1:6 chance that the mouth does not say exactly what the character wants to say each time it speaks.
3.Oracular Somnambulation:
The imbibing character imediately falls asleep and begins to sleep-walk. He/she will walk in the shortest route possible to the nearest secret door and attempt to enter. While sleep-walking the character cannot fight and will be automatically hit if attacked. If the character crosses the threshold of a secret door he/she wakes up.
4. Basilisk Blood Brew:
The imbiber's skin turns green and scaly for the duration of the potion, and he/she is immune to turn to stone effects. At the end of the potion's duration the clothes and/or armor of the character turn to dust.
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