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VW Kafer body prep

Due to the molding process, there's few imperfections in the body of the car which need sorting out.
Most noticeable the area around the headlights.
Horn grilles are also of the wrong shape.
1950 bug has round horn grilles, instead of oval ones.

I have removed the piping from the front fenders, to make preparation of the body easier.
I will replace the piping after the car is painted.
I filled the grilles in, and i drilled one single hole for the round horn grille.
It was only one opening for the horn grille in the real car, as the other grille is only used as decoration, and there was no opening in the body beneath it.

 Rear fenders piping also removed. I used the CA glue as filler, and sanded it roughly.

Then i sprayed the car using matt grey primer to highlight the imperfections

Primer sanded, and Mr. Surfacer 500 used to fill here, and there again:

Body parts were dry fitted. It's not perfect, but i'll manage i think:

New line was added where piping will be fitted:

Same round the rear of the car. Lights positioning pins were removed, as i discovered today, that lights are much lover in 1950 cars:

Chaos Black primer is on. Generally it looks OK, just few places to sort out, before i start adding special effects like body damage, and rust.

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