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Tunnels & Trolls - Taking a Look

I was at my FLGS last night and found a copy of Tunnels & Trolls v5.5 for a mere $6.  So I took the plunge and bought it.  It's certainly a fun looking RPG, and the rules are different enough from D&D that it might be a nice game to add in to the rotation.  It appears that T&T was first published in 1975 - one year after OD&D.

This is certainly NOT a review of T&T.  I just wanted to share a few observations from skimming the pages this morning!  And I've never played the game and know very little about it.

First, I found a couple of interesting passages in the book:

"In an alternate world where fantasy is alive and magic works (a world somewhat but not exactly similar to Tolkien's Middle Earth) there exist numerous enchanted tunnel complexes (call them Dungeons or Underworlds if you wish) that are liberally loaded with many types of treasure, and abundantly guarded by every imaginable form of monster, magic and trap.  Generally speaking, the greater treasures and most powerful monsters are found further below the surface.  Brave men and women arm themselves and venture within the tunnels at risk of body and soul to seek treasure and experience.  Those who survive and return from such expeditions will increase in experience and wealth to hitherto undreamed-of heights of power and glory over a long period of time.  Every time your character escapes from a tunnel alive, you may consider yourself a winner.  The higher the level and the more wealth your character attains, the better you are doing in comparison to all the other players."

I'd say that sums things up nicely for a fantasy RPG.  :)  I really like the following passage too:

"Characters and players should speak for themselves.  But, with everyone trying to talk at once a game can rapidly degenerate into a shouting match (that can be fun sometimes, too), so it is recommended that the GM keep the number of players in his party small - two or three players with up to four characters apiece is ideal.  When it is necessary for a GM to try and cope with more than three players, it may be necessary to limit the number of charcters they can use at one time, and/or to invoke some form of parliamentary procedure to determine who gets to talke when."

I've not seen too many RPG products that endorse having limited players with multiple PCs each.  I actually kind of like that style of play - but I'm sure there are many who don't.

In perusing the book, I think the combat systems look pretty interesting.  Definitely much different than D&D.  For example, there are a wide range of weapons - but not everyone can use them.  Want to use a Morningstar?  Fine.  But you better have a STR of 17 and DEX of 11 to use it optimally.  Otherwise you will tire very quickly.  And combat resolution is far different than D&D.

Armor and shields can take a certain number of "Hits" before they are destroyed.  They also require a STR score to use them effectively.  Chaimail requires a STR of 12 to use, while a "Knight's Shield" requires a 5.  So a character needs a STR of 17 to use both together at maximum effectiveness.

Another observation is that very few pages of T&T are devoted to treasure and monsters.  There are certain key stats for monsters, but not a lot of detail is given.  Same with magic treasure.

Solo play is a huge factor in T&T.  It appears that they produce more solo adventures than multi-players adventures.  So this is obviously a big part of T&T.

I know there are some very hard-core T&T guys who are avid supporters of the game.  In my brief perusal of the book it looks very cool.  Then again, I have "Gamer's A.D.D." so everything "looks very cool" when it comes to RPG products.

Have any of you guys played T&T?  How was it?

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