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BEHEMOTH THE SEA MONSTER/The Giant Behemoth (1959)

A windy Saturday afternoon, the shopping done, I raid my DVD collection and come up with this 1950's monster pic. Despite the presence of Willis O'Brien on the credits this certainly isn't KING KONG. But it is undemanding fun. The monster looks a bit tatty but I particularly liked the many shots of panic stricken extras running through the streets of a part of London that seems to consist of buildings due for demolition. My disk has an awful commentary by two minor American FX guys who spend the whole time bitching about the short comings of the movie and its script - but they've obviously done no research beyond their own little specialist area and have nothing to say about the cast which includes Andre Morell, Gene Evans, John Turner, Maurice Kaufman and Jack MacGowran (they seem to be totally unaware of who he is). How much did they get paid? The word Tossers comes to mind. Rating **

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