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Monkey Cage: Liberia has a big election next week — and a true test of democracy in Africa’s oldest republic

Monkey Cage
Liberia has a big election next week — and a true test of democracy in Africa's oldest republic
Will Liberians vote for continuity or change?
If the gunman was Muslim, would we be talking about Las Vegas 'terrorism'?
Details on "how" and "why" shootings happen shape public opinion
Americans who live closer to a mass shooting are more likely to support gun regulation
Smaller countries pass laws soon after mass shootings. Maybe U.S. laws won't change until most Americans have lived near one.
America is a violent country
Using a truck as a weapon is just less efficient than using a weapon as a weapon.
Lots of Republicans actually support gun control
Should people have to get gun permits from the police? Majorities agree.
We know that evidence-based medicine works. So why don't politicians support it?
Doctors know a lot less about the treatments they prescribe than you might think.
Are lone wolves or terrorist groups more deadly? The answer depends on the country.
Surprise! The United States is the outlier.
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