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Isolation, almost over

My ten day isolation is almost up, they tell you to count from the fist day you felt unwell but as I didn't feel too bad I started counting from when my positive result came back as that was the day that I thought it was a cold, which means that my last day is tomorrow.

I must admit that I've not missed going out at all, I could easily become a hermit I think, lol

Jenny and Stevie did the food shop for me last week and Mark has gone this morning, I've saved a fortune as people only bring whats on a list, and I haven't missed shopping in the least, it's not my favourite thing to do at the best of times.

I still feel very stuffy, especially when I first get up but that clears as the day goes on, my cough is still there, not too bad but from what I've read it can hang around a while.  NHS test and trace have called me every couple of days, (very nice of them, ha, ha) and apparently you only have to carry on isolating after the ten days if you are sneezing, have a runny nose or diarrhea, I have none of these so normal life for me can resume from Monday.  Although, I still plan on wearing a mask when I'm around mum and at Jenny's when I pick Oliver up, just to be on the safe side.

It's been like having a bad cold, I did have a funny head a few day's, not a headache more like a vertigo feeling, paracetamol usually took that off .  I started to paint the kitchen just before all this happened and I've managed to finish that by doing a bit each day so you can tell that I got it mild, thank goodness.  I didn't loose my sense of taste or smell until last weekend, It was Sunday when I noticed it.  It really is the weirdest thing, I can't smell anything at all and all food tastes the same, it is really peculiar.

The girls sent me a couple of care packages.  I love Tea Pigs tea so will be saving that until my taste and smell return.  I haven't started the book yet but it sounds good, I let you know.

And this one arrived this week, I'm going to save the bath salts, bath melts and hand gel until I can smell, it would be a waste not to smell them wouldn't it!

Other than slowly painting the kitchen I've been filling my time knitting on my cardigan, (almost finished) and watching The Handmaids Tale on Amazon Prime.  I didn't watch this when it was on TV, I somehow didn't think it would be my thing, but I am enjoying binge watching now.

The weather has been lovely for a few days and after Mark came back from the supermarket this morning we've spent a couple of hours tidying the garden up, lots of things to cut back and leaves to get up, the green bin is full, I think we perhaps have one more collection before they stop for this year so wanted to make the most of that.

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend


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