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Pennock Family Album Antique Signature Quilt

Love early antique fabrics - you are going to drool over this post. As part of continuing education with my quilt appraising group (PAAQT) we visited to the Chester Co. Historical Society in Pennsylvania and examined a number of antique signature quilts. These are especially educational because they are dated or the date can be determined easily.

The Pennock Family Album is one of the treasures of the Chester Society's collection. Made in Chester Co. in 1840, it has a sampler of block patterns along with inked drawing and signatures on the blocks. Look at the amazing florals in this delicate 6 pointed star!

And the florals and inking and wonderful chain link print in this circular block. don't forget to click on the picture to enlarge to see the details. The center inking is an amazingly detailed drawing of a boat sailing with full crew.

More amazing early fabrics

Look at the inked flag in the center of this lovely 8 pointed star

Another inking and more fab fabrics
More delightful florals and the signature on a leaf. Names were often disguised in inkings. Btw, the threads visible are basting threads to secure the english paper piecing templates.

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