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My Top Doctors - 2010 Edition

Before I sit down to watch this year's Doctor Who Christmas special, I thought it'd be nice, for tracking purposes, to list my Top 11 Doctors in order. I want to see where these same Doctors will rank in a year from now after not only a new 11th Doctor series, but also my regular ingestion of classic Who DVDs, audios and novels. Now, I don't have a list from this time last year, but I have a sense of which Doctors rose and which fell, so I'll attempt an analysis at the end.

1. Sylvester McCoy (7th)
2. Matt Smith (11th)
3. William Hartnell (1st)
4. Peter Davison (5th)
5. Colin Baker (6th)
6. Christopher Eccleston (9th)
7. Patrick Troughton (2nd)
8. Jon Pertwee (3rd)
9. David Tennant (10th)
10. Tom Baker (4th)
11. Paul McGann (8th)

Analysis: In the past few years, the 7th Doctor has never really gone down below second place in my mind, and he still sits atop the list. While the current Doctor is always quite high on my list - because he's the exciting one still getting new tv stories - Matt Smith blew everyone out of the water in his first series. He'd do well regardless. I love his alien awkwardness. Hartnell has risen steadily throughout the year thanks to the release of quite a few of his stories on DVD. Davison and Colin Baker do rather better than they should thanks to their Big Finish audios, which are way better than their television episodes. There's also some good will attached to the actors' commentaries on the DVDs. Like it or not, they influence me. The biggest surprise, I'm sure, is how low the more popular Doctors have dropped. This, my friends, is due to overexposure. I haven't made secret the fact that, in retrospect, the RTD era has many things that bug me, which has dropped Tennant in 9th place and Eccleston in 6th. Tom Baker's ego continues to make his Doctor trend downward, but I expect Pertwee to spike in 2011. I'm warming up once again to his Doctor. (See how fickle Who fans can be?) It's traditional to put the 8th Doctor in last, but I've usually had him higher on account of his audios. However, the ones I've listened to of late (I'm up to the 2006 season) have been repetitive and lackluster, and I could say the same for McGann's performance in them.

Stay tuned for the 2011 edition in 12 short months! And for more Doctor Who material this week!

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