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My basement's back

I've been cueing Lesley Gore this week -- remember My Boyfriend's Back ?  But my version is "my basement's back and I'm gonna be sewing."

April: boxes in the garage
On Monday I directed the ServiceMaster crew to bring all the boxes down and just stack them--I'd take care of sorting them out. That was fine, but I soon learned that the crew who boxed everything  labeled stuff on the west wall (photo #1) as "east wall" and the stuff on the east wall as "east wall."  That made each box an interesting discovery. :)

I did not rearrange very much. My goal was to put things back and do it quickly. I honestly will discard some things. (I really don't need two copier-paper boxes of dress patterns that date to the 1990's.  If those styles come back I can buy new patterns. Moreover, I will have to buy new patterns because I never, ever, ever will have a 28" waist again.)

Friends of ours are moving this summer. They were happy to take three dozen of the flattened empty boxes.
The west wall, restocked

The boxes for "center shelf" were correctly labeled
Looking east 
(The antique bentwood chair in front of the bookcase  is not comfortable to sit on, but it is a handy place to put things on. It's just never quite in the right place.  My mother bought it in the early 1970's and it was was never quite in the right place in their basement, too.)
The real east wall (the spare room) 

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