(Originally posted on 07/08/12)
In my Imagi-nations or semi Imagi-nations I like to have non military personalities making guest appearances ( ie Kipling in my 54mm FLWs or H.G.Wells in my 40mm Balkans wars) so I was at a loss for who to add to my 40mm SYW games , when reading a biography of Frederick the Great I came across Voltaire , who being quite a character seems to fit the bill.
I was sorting through some miss cast figures when I found a damaged artillery officer, (sword missing) I Googled 'Voltaire' to see what he looked like and found this rather quaint illustration. I then sat down with some 'green stuff' and started fiddling about altering the casting . I also decided to give him a servant using one of the gunner figures as suggested by Mark Dudley of http://ilkleyoldschool.blogspot.co.uk/
Here we see Hodge discussing the finer points of 'Candide' with the author who awaits painting.
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