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Another shoot done!

Really excited to be finished with my shoot from the Central Coast. I went down for a few days for work and my other work asked me to take some photos while I was down there! It was really nice to be able to go and see some touristy parts of Newcastle, like the Art Gallery and the Museum, as well as Fort Scratchley and its giant main cannons.

But mostly it was the outdoor attractions in Newcastle that I liked. The ocean baths, in particular, were mind-blowing. The tide would rise about an hour after sunrise and every wave would pound over the edge of the baths and into the pool.

Here's a selection of photos from the trip, you can find a complete collection of the photos on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1433693700263810.1073741835.100008695801908&type=1

Highlights from a week in Newcastle

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