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Worst Movies Ever -- Blog fest

Hello Everyone,

This post is in response to Worst Movies Ever Blog-fest on Alex J Cavanaugh. Well, I am wrong one to sign up for this blog-fest I guess. I mean, I don't watch many many movies. So here is my list:

1) Birdemic: Shock and Terror:
   the story of a romance between the two leading characters, played by Alan Bagh and Whitney Moore when their little town is attacked by birds. The plot is non-sencial and the movie is fit for nothing!!

2)  Eragon:

   While the book Eragon is a all time favorite of mine, the movie is fit for nothing. The plot changed, the concepts of myths and mythical races, elves, kulls and all such are removed. I hate this movie in particular

3) The Myth
      The 2005 Hong Kong martial arts film has a stupid plot about immortality, re-birth and makes you bang your head against the screen for sure. 


What do you feel about these movies? Checked them out?? 

with warm regards

Abhishek Boinapalli

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