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Simple Woman's Day Book post

For Today...Sept 1,2008

Outside my Window...Quiet lovely weather, it is still a little cool from the evening and there is dew on the grass. Some of the grass in the pasture is coming back out after the hourses over grazed. When we first moved here the end of June it was so hot and we didn't have all the fences put in. Now they are in and we are settling in.

I am thinking...I am looking forward to getting the yard pulled together and gardens put in...maybe a few fall plantings.

From the learning rooms...I am still planning on making a lap book about Texas for my grandson that lives in Missouri. I am making a soft book ABC for the new grandbaby.

I am thankful for...my daughter and son in love and the baby are coming over this afternoon for a day full of activity and food. They chose to come today so they could spend more time instead of coming on Sunday. Yea.

From the kitchen...Herb cheese bread I made yesterday for todays
smorgasbord with the kids. When our kids were little we had smorgasbord on Sunday night after church. I alwasy fixed fun finger foods and we ate on the coffee table. We are continuing the tradition today. I'll post the menu and photo's later in the week.

I am wearing...what I slept in. A comfy tank top and soft shorts. It is still a little warm here.

I am reading...Another novel. (started that again when Cowboy was in the hospital) it is old I have had it a few years. Nothing inteliigent or spiritual. And I am reading Emalie Barnes Devotions for Couples.

I am hoping...to get a certin quilt finished these week so it can hang during the fall holidays.

I am creating...too many things to list. LOL. I hope to creat some Christmas gifts for the family. And to begin making greeting cards for our church card ministry. Kelli at There's no place like home has wonderful ideas for greeting cards. A new blog.stay tuned to find out about it She also does Show and Tell on Friday. Come back by for my Show and Tell entry. look at what I just did!a link to Kelli's blog how cool is that?

I am hearing...The donkeys outside he hawing. Our house is on land by an recreational type park. The offer paint ball and motocross and some other stuff. There is a storage building behind our house and they park the tractor there.
The donkeys let us know anytime anyone is around. Or if anyone drives into our driveway. A cheap burgler alarm.

Around the house... I am moving furniture in the living room around again! I just cannot get it arranged. I am about to call HGTV and cry for help.
If we can kick the men outside today for awhile my daughter is going to try to help me. Wish us luck.

One of my favorite things... My house. Even though I think I am beginning to dislike the living room. But the walls are the prettiest golden yellow! It'll work out. It is just that my furniture doesn't fit and I am having to get rid of some things. We put the coffee table in our bedroom closet yesterday.
I know your thinking good grief how big is that closet? I'll have to take photo's soon. So you can see why I love my house!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... I know I am a broken record..but I will continue the sorting/decluttering of the house and the blog. I really hope to get a new template on the blog to make it pretty again. And hopefully a new photo. I would love pointers if anyone can give me some.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

I found this on Dreamstime. I love sunflowers. I thought this was a cool photo.
I hope next year to share my own sunflower photos. I have always wanted to have a sunflower garden.

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