On Thursday every week I go through the Craigslist website and our local newspapers and add all the yard sales we are interested in and add them to my Google Maps app. I have two folders there, one for Friday and one for Saturday. I can cross each one off the list after we've visited it. This is so much more efficient than using a paper map.
Last Friday we went to pick up my second set of glasses and stopped in at Ingle's to see what they had on markdown.
They had beef and chicken on markdown. The chicken was $5.99 per package and has three huge chicken breasts in both packages while the ground beef has three pounds in each package for $5.99 each. We bought five of those.
They also had bottes of Laura Lynn buttermilk dressing for 50 cents per bottle, so I bought two of those.
On Monday we had to make a trip to the dr.'s office. Unfortunately there was a tree down across the driveway and we couldn't get out. After we got back to the house the FedEx man pulled into the and had moved the tree for us.
Saving Money In My Frugal Kitchen
I love this time of year for all the fresh fruit and vegetables. We've been having fruit bowls this week with fresh watermelon, honeydew and cantaloupe melons, grapes, and strawberries.
I took the leftover BBQ chicken and made it into a spread using cream cheese. It had so much flavor, and was good spread on tortillas and a good/different way to use up those leftovers.
We picked up several salads from Aldi this week. They are the perfect item to have for dinner on these hot summer days.
We are having Internet issues here since all the leaves are on the trees now. We live in a very wooded area and in the summer time the leaves will block our Internet signal and make the connection go off and on all day long. I've had trouble posting this for that reason. So, this is a short post just to let you all know what is going on here.
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