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Grand Baby Love

The next photo was the most remarkable I've ever seen, as it was taken at the last sonogram of my grandson, still growing and awaiting his birth!

I am so in love with the little guy already, and can't wait to hold him and whisper in his ear all the hopes and dreams I have for him!

This I know for sure --he'll always be very loved! He is the first grandchild on both sides of the family, the soon to be son of the oldest child in each! We've all been waiting for him for a long time, and I can not imagine a happier day than his upcoming birthday!

In preparation for that I have been buying some special little things, here and there for him, that I'd love to show you ....

.....and if you are reading this post my dear son and daughter-in- law please look away now, as I want to keep this a surprise for a little longer!

I'm sure a lot of bloggers know Rosie, of Rosie's Whimsy blog? She was blessed a few months ago with a beautiful grand daughter named Lola. Being a seamstress for many years, Rosie sewed many beautiful and unique things for Lola, and she and her daughter had the idea to open an ETSY shop called Baby Vagabond to sell more of the same beautiful and functional baby things!

I had been looking for some burp cloths for my grandson's layette, as I remember all too well how much I needed them for his Daddy, and Baby Vagabond had the cutest most modern looking soft flannel ones for sale in prints that were fun for a little boy. I purchased three sets and sweet Rosie gave me a gift of a set of matching flannel wipes for those little clean ups of baby's face.

In the photo below you can see all the sets, and the stack of wipes, and Lola''s sweet face on the thank you card Rosie enclosed.

Thank you, Rosie! I know my grand baby is going to enjoy the soft flannel against his face and it will be a well used gift!

I now see that Rosie has opened another ETSY shop called Night Owl Diaper Company which sells the cutest reusable flannel diapers! I will be shopping again soon. Rosie!


Another little handcrafted treat I bought my grandson was this adorable little knit bunny from Willow of Willow's Cottage blog.

She displayed one that she made her grandson in a blog post a few months ago, and I fell in love with it! She also makes heirloom collectible bunnies out of hand died wool, but I wanted a washable one suitable for a baby, and chose one made of washable white yarn.

She made his vest in the colors I chose, and sent him with an adoption certificate! So cute!

Willow does beautiful work and I have a feeling this bunny will be well loved by our little bunny boy one day soon! Thanks Willow!

The next is a "hope chest" crocheted set I purchased which was made long ago by a sweet woman who has since passed. My friend's mother-in -law made these sets to sell in a hospital gift shop. When I saw them years ago I bought two sets -- one for each of my two children's future first born. I never learned how to make beautiful things like this, so I was eager to have something of heirloom quality to give to each of them one day.

I hope the baby will wear it on the way to his Christening!

Their is nothing as exquisite as something handmade .... except for something God made, like a sweet little baby!

10/17 ETA: I am adding this post to Laura at Hooked On Houses blog's "Hooked On Friday's" party links, as we are all describing what we are "hooked on." How could I resist when everyone knows how excited I am to be closer to welcoming my little grandson into the world? He is due early December.

Thanks Laura!

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