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Going on a date with Dana Andrews

Dana tries very hard to hide his excitement of going on a date with you but he can't.....

Well it looks like the people have spoken and the poll is out for 'If Dana Andrews' was your date, where would you go?' Well here are the results.....

Coming in last place.....

The Arcade, no one was up to going to the arcade with Dana. No silly games for the voters, huh? The Arcade had 0 votes, which isn't that surprising. Why would you want to go to the arcade with Dana, when you could go to dinner or the movies, or even to an amusement park?

Next up with an incredible 2 votes was going to the movies with Dana. I hope when you go to the movies, you aren't seeing a movie of his. I heard a lot of a actors say they hate watching themselves on the big screen, maybe that was for him too.

Coming in 2nd place was going out to dinner with Dana. I hope that there is some yummy food included. It came in with 4 votes, so close to winning..

Votes wanted something more, something that was excited and adventurous and fun..... What could that possibly be??? Well it was going to be.......

AN AMUSEMENT PARK!!!! How much fun would that be to go on roller coasters with Dana Andrews sitting by your side. I love roller coasters a lot, so I'm one of those people who voted for amusement park. Amusement Parks had one more vote than dinner. Have fun with the rides. :)

As usual, the next poll will be up really soon. I hope your day is going swell. Ta-Ta for now. :)

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