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Dear President Obama

You spent the money. You spent more than all of your predecessors combined. Your party refused to pass a budget. You refuse to offer a firm written plan, instead you say the Republicans will not compromise? They passed a new debt limit ceiling. It is the Senate Democrats who will not.

The Republican Party has heard the voters. They want true cuts and a balanced budget amendment, they know you politicians will never stop spending our money.

How about you try something new, Mr. President -- lead! Tell us your plan -- specifics, not talking points. What will you cut and when? We are all more than aware you do not have the experience to handle this crisis, Mr, Obama. Life as a community organizer and working on foundations spending other people's money does not prepare you take hard decisions. You have to step up and learn how to be a real decision-maker. I understand the American people we delusional when they elected you. Mr. Obama. You wanted the job, now you have to learn to do it on the fly.

What say we skip the golf course today and spend some time in the office?

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