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Childhood Dream (or a freakboy walks into a library...)

It was the morning of Saturday May 2, 2015 when I walked into the Broken Bow Public Library and immediately maneuvered to the counter so I could sign in to use a computer.  I briefly chatted with the librarian and then turned around to find DARK EXCURSIONS on display.  Front and center on the top of the new arrival shelf, my book popped like a neon sign! 

There is little doubt that my eyes were bulging and my mouth was open in surprise!  I knew the library had ordered a copy, but I wasn't certain when it would arrive.  After I quickly claimed the computer I would eventually use, by setting unimportant items beside it, I joyously announced to the librarian, "My book is in!"  She paused and then inquired, "Your book is in?"  I hurried over to the new arrival and explained by exuberantly emphasizing, "Yes, MY book is in!"  She seemed as surprised as I was because she was the one who had prepared my book for check-out, but did not connect the author's name with...well, mine.

I briefly touched the book to ascertain its realness, because this was, quite frankly, feeling a bit like a daydream.  Before I picked it up, I had to take some photos and shoot some video, for this is the 21st Century after all.  I'm sure I resembled an obsessed parent going crazy with the camera, but I didn't care!  DARK EXCURSIONS is my baby.  I fed it by writing the pages.  I cared for it by editing the words.  I carried it for nine years by longing to see a print edition.

After filling my photographic needs, I picked up the precious bundle.  I examined the earmarks that make it a library book.  Giddiness poured over me at sight of the Broken Bow Public Librarystamps and the F for Fiction and the H for Harmon on its spine!  Ironically, or poetically, this label covered up my last name.  I suspected this would happen, so I was prepared.  

Flipping through the pages, I started giggling.  Much to my amazement, this sound was neither maniacal nor diabolical.  This giggling was originating from a profound sense of joy reaching back to my childhood dream of seeing a book with my name on it at a library.  Okay, fine, there was some Oh My Gosh, People Are Going To Think I'm Crazy giggling going on, but even that was joyous because I realized I didn't care!

Narrow-minded or jealous people can say what they want, and they will, of that I'm certain, but they can't take away that extraordinary moment at the library and that enormous sense of satisfaction I experienced.  I set forth among a sea of literal blood, sweat and tears, battled years of self-doubt and vicious naysayers, to at long last realize and accomplish my heart's desire.

Freak Out,


P.S.  For more info on DARK EXCURSIONS, please click WHIP!

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